
Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy

Every individual can benefit from the support of a good therapist. Most people have:

  • Some unresolved issues from the past which are interfering with their present
  • Some current struggles and issues which they are finding challenging to deal with on their own
  • Some events coming up in the future which they could use some support in preparing for

Positive, life-changing gains can be made from individual therapy when an individual connects with a counsellor that is the “right fit” for them.

Through individual counselling, I commonly help individuals with the following issues:

Panic attacks
Stress management
Anger management
Dating difficulties
Relationship issues
Relationship break-ups
Family conflict/issues
Social issues/Interpersonal difficulties
Single-parent issues
Balancing work & home
Career/job transitions
Self-esteem issues
Parenting issues
Life transitions
Workplace issues
Cross-cultural issues
Cultural identity issues

In individual therapy, I will work with you to clarify your goals for positive change and develop a realistic plan.

To get the most out of your individual therapy…

  • Prior to arriving for your appointment, give some thought to what it is you would like to get out of counselling. You may find it helpful to write a list of some of the things that are causing you distress.
  • Arrive to your appointment a few minutes early. It’s nice to begin a session feeling relaxed, and not rushed and frazzled.
  • Be open and honest in sessions. Anything you share will be confidential* and will be received with warmth, compassion, and empathy. The more open and honest you are, the more you will gain.
  • Ask questions when something is unclear to you.
  • Be patient and forgiving with yourself. Don’t expect to see overnight results and understand that changing old behaviours and patterns can take time. Stick with it and you will see positive results.
  • Do your best to follow counsellor recommendations. Between sessions, complete any activities suggested to you in therapy. Practicing new behaviours, approaches, or ways of thinking could be a crucial component to the success of your counselling experience.

* Any information about you or your counselling cannot be released to anyone (including family) without your written permission with the following exceptions:

  • When a child is in need of protection
  • When disclosure is required to prevent clear and imminent danger to yourself or others
  • When legal requirements demand that confidential material be revealed


Contact me now to schedule a free 15-minute telephone consultation

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” – Maya Angelou

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